About Us

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It is always a pleasure to share our story. It started in the summer of 2012 when I met her and we recognized each other as a soulmates. We finished the same school and two totally different universities, she became the most charming dentist while I found out to be the smartest graduate of chemistry and food science.
During this time we established our own family. Living with love, trust and faith we found out nothing is more important than our roots, so the hometown proved to be the place to continue our lifetime goals.

This place is full of green fields and pure forests that bring a lot of gifts – herbs, berries, blossoms, mushrooms and fresh minds. Every local people treat the forest like a person – taking with respect and giving back with gratitude.

We found out what is similar between every live creature: life brings us joy and so pain, wellness and so illness, so we stumble, but nature is here to help us get up and become even stronger. I have experienced it during my life and I know how hard it can sometimes be to cope… So since we can share what is the best from our mother Nature, we decided to do it and that is the purpose of our native ForestAmanita.com.

Hope you enjoyed our story. Feel free to contact if you want to share yours with us!
